2011年3月17日 星期四

The good news is that the worst of the global recession

The good news is that the worst of the global recession now seems to be behind us.

South Africa's GDP grew by 2.8 per cent in 2010, however, a number of risks remain. On the international front, the expected short term growth moderation in Europe and China will influence the Western Cape's ability to export as these remain two key markets. The continued strengthening of the rand is also likely have an impact.

Growth is starting to gain momentum once again. The second half of 2010 saw global economic activity outpace expectations. The International Monetary Fund now calculates that global growth for 2010 averaged about 5 per cent and should continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

These figures belie a major structural change that has taken place in the global economy. There has been a shift in economic power with emerging markets. particularly the BRIC countries, replacing more developed ones like the U.S. and the Eurozone as the engines of growth. And so of course we welcome South Africa's invitation to join BRIC.Badding explained that optical-fiber technology always has been limited by the use dsttマジコン of a glass core. "Glass has a haphazard arrangement of atoms," Badding said. "In contrast, a crystalline substance like zinc selenide is highly ordered. That order allows light to be transported over longer wavelengths, specifically those in the mid-infrared." Our challenge, however, is to show the others that we can match them for growth.

We in the Western Cape are already taking advantage of the opportunity. We are pushing our wine products into China, our processed agri-products into Argentina.Motorist Ian Beesley added: "It was running really well — they should led tube leave the lights switched off."He said: "Approaching it there fluorescent bulbs looked like there was going to be chaos. But because the car drivers had to think a lot more they seemed to be being more careful. and we have visited the UAE to open the gateway for trade into the Middle East and India.In the other open position, the led lights dock holds the iPhone in a perfect position for resting on a tabletop for most any use including FaceTime.

Following the economic contraction of 2009, the regional economy has begun to grow again. Our provinces GDP grew by 2.4 per cent in 2010 and is expected to rise to 4.1 per cent over the next five years. We in the Western Cape government will do all we can to capitalise on this growth to provide jobs and income for all our people.

But Speaker, 4.1 per cent growth is not enough."You could edge your way through but you felt Led strip light distinctively nervous doing so." We need to do better If we are to expand opportunity and slay the dragon of poverty. And that is why growth and jobs are front and centre for this government.

