2010年11月23日 星期二

Nystuen asked

Nystuen asked about the line item expense for non-parks mowing, budgeted for $41,151 this year. Warba said they pay a contractor to mow traffic islands that aren’t covered by funds from the state. The islands are scattered all over the city,Used by boaters, and fishermen these lights can last up to a decade. Easy to install, reasonably fluorescent lights affordable, LED underwater lights are quickly replacing traditional lighting systems. and it’s more efficient to pay a contractor to handle it, he said. It’s paid for out of the city’s general fund. Nystuen clarified that the street maintenance funds don’t pay for any of it.. LED Lighting has been around since the 1960's. In recent years LED technology has made great strides in high efficiency, low heat, high output plastic beer mugs , safe and environmentally friendly lighting. Because of their many great qualities,

Berla asked whether the general fund money for non-parks mowing would count as part of the general fund subsidy for parks. This kind of thing will become more of an issue as they talk about things like maintaining dams, and whether or not that expense comes out of the parks budget, he said.

Smith said that the field operations unit provides maintenance for all of the city’s infrastructure. He said it would be possible to prepare a report that broke out the general fund allocations to parks and non-parks operations, and that he’d bring it to next month’s meeting.

Berla then asked the two city councilmembers on PAC – Mike Anglin and Christopher Taylor – whether those figures were meaningful for council. That is, was there a time when the council said, “Oh, let’s give a little more money to parks” – and whether it would be meaningful that funding from the parks operations was not being used for non-parks work., most of the power they draw is converted water walking ball into heat, not light. That is very inefficient. The LED creates no heat, which is why it is so economical. Christopher Taylor replied, “I think we would tend not to get that granular.” Taylor added they would tend to look at funding for parks and field operations,. Drill a hole in the led bulb plasterboard (taking care to avoid joists) and just push the light through, the same as if you were pushing it into decking. You can fit any number of LED lights in this way. but not at whether field operations staff were mowing in parks or some other public land., the Finelight model gracefully curves from the sturdy, well balanced cast Plastic Kitchenware iron base. Like the z-bar model, the lighting strip consists of several smaller lights and can be adjusted down when less light is required. However, the neck does not move or bend, it simply curves in a half moon shape.

