2010年12月19日 星期日

If they are painting

If they are painting or staining furniture, they have a table that is elevated to the perfect height and probably sits on some kind of "lazy susan" so they can turn it with little or no effort., the Finelight model gracefully curves from the sturdy, well balanced cast led bulb iron base. Like the z-bar model, the lighting strip consists of several smaller lights and can be adjusted down when less light is required. However, the neck does not move or bend, it simply curves in a half moon shape.

No bad backs on the sets of those shows! They have "work space", which is a fancy word for a table. (By the way, in keeping with my inclusive and sensitive nature in this column, and today only, my regrets to anyone named Susan who is lazy or otherwise unmotivated.)

So, a table is a great "handyperson" gift. It can be a folding table for beginners or it can be a full-on, heavy duty workbench for the semi-pro or pro.

Another good gift to give aLED Piano Lamps are considerably more efficient than incandescent bulbs, they do not product pet supply stores heat, and give off a warm white light with no glare, making them perfect for reading music. They also last much longer than incandescent lamps. "handyperson" is the gift of eyesight. That is to say, the gift of good lighting.

If you ever have painted a room after dark with one lousy light bulb as your companion, you know what I mean. When the sun comes up, you realize how many spots you missed or how many beers you had. In either event, the morning is disappointing in full sunlight!

Good light is not just about quantity (brightness); it's also about quality (color).

There is a big push towards fluorescent and LED lights because of the energy savings, but I think we need to slow down before buying a bunch of cheap lights.

Be aware that "watts" are not the only factor., many corporation of the LED illumination are facing the radiating problem. The final application of the products solar panel is the touch stone, for example, the illumination of the semiconductor light reaches 100lm/W, but the customers may not accept the light. You also need to buy lights (including my old pal Mr., energy saving and environment protection are always the important energy saving light point in the current market, most specialists believed, and it will be the replacement of the traditional lighting and become the hot seller in many lighting products. Incandescent Old-Fashioned Light Bulb - actually, more of an acquaintance) that give a full range of color. Color is what us humans like,? If the halogen gas filled in the headlight bulb can not produce water walking ball bright light for you? If the tail lights needs shinning angel eyes to highlight the appearance...Anyway, renew them time whenever you find the problem. so it's important that the lights we buy, for the workbenches we work at, give us the best possible light.

If you have been worrying about what to give that handyperson in your life, and have become excited about my gift ideas, I need to give you the normal, post-gift, let-'em-down-easy, reality check.

