2010年12月29日 星期三

included in Project 180

LED lighting to be included in Project 180

A test of LED vehicular street lighting, meanwhile, is under way along SW 15 between Portland and Meridian Avenues. Laura Story,LED Tess bulbs from Elemental LED are rated to last 50,000 hours, about 15 times longer than a standard 4 led tube 0W bulb. So with 80 percent lower energy consumption and dramatically fewer replacements, manager of the Project 180 makeover of downtown, said the results of that test could determine whether LED lighting is adapted throughout downtown and elsewhere.

“It's a very warm glow, and the colors are good,” she said.LED Tess bulbs from Elemental LED are rated to last 50,000 hours, about 15 times longer than a standard 4 led tube 0W bulb. So with 80 percent lower energy consumption and dramatically fewer replacements,

By all accounts,In addition to LED lighting products, Chicony Power also has power supply orders from table lamps US-based game console vendors and is currently contributing 36% of the Chicony Group's revenues with chance to be listed on Taiwan LED, or light-emitting diodes, are still an emerging technology. Architect Rand Elliott urged planners to look at adaptations of LED lighting elsewhere after learning that about 880 light fixtures are to be replaced as part of Project 180.

Consultants hired by the city initially said that they couldn't recommend the technology despite success stories reported by cities including Ann Arbor, Mich. That community reported seeing its energy costs cut in half, with bulbs lasting years longer than traditional lighting.The company's products and bulb manufacturing process are certified by Underwriters Laboratories, compact fluorescent a leader in LED evaluation and standards. These bulbs use 5 Cree light emitting diodes,

Story credited businessman Ralph Tyler for making the pilot project along SW 15 a reality.

“Mr. Tyler volunteered the equipment and OG&E agreed to do the testing,For the second time in Air max classic the four-year history of the NHL Winter Classic, the Penguins are one of the participating teams for the New Year's Day game. For the first time, they're hosting, borrowing Heinz Field from the Steelers for the noon game.” Story said.

Tyler said he was inspired to offer assistance after reading coverage of the lights' potential benefits in The Oklahoman.

